Monday, November 9, 2009


Ever since Seraphe stepped out as our sixth member of our Chains of Promathia static we switched our times and gathered on Saturday and Sunday. I'm honestly thinking that there is somebody out there who doesn't want us to finish CoP.

On Saturday, we realized that Ixidor wasn't able to log into PlayOnline, let alone FFXI so until he got everything settled out we figured we'd just go ahead and farm Sea for a bit. A few mobs later and I was able to finish geting my Korin Obi made :)

Saturday's Limbus run went just as well and Aylah even got one of the items to upgrade her AF so thats good.

Sunday a few of the members in KurokajiSyndicate had pops for Sarameya, my first actual large ZNM and zerg attempt. They went down with little trouble All was good, I'm still pissed my dad took my PS3. This is a worthless post and I'm waiting for step two of the update to download to my PC. Which is, yeah, just like the blog title says is remaining =/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sunday night our usual group got together to do a few Royale Ramble runs and I must say that we've pretty much perfected it. Our group tonight was Meph as PLD, Bennei as WHM, Oric as PUP, Sheeshmaru as SAM, a Mithra from the LS as MNK, and me as SMN. All in all, the runs went incredibly well except during my run. We had one wipe but it was nothing that we couldn't recover from. We ended up winning and I had Oric hold some of the items in the treasure chest for me but then the unimaginable happened. Items dropped fast and filled up my inventory and I ended up losing my O. Ingot. I'm just lucky that I'm not piss ass broke or workin' on Marduk's Tiara or something along those lines. I still made 30k from doing runs and other items that dropped to me. Better than nothing, right.

I was hoping that Monday would end up better and in a way but not much better. It was TraumaCenter/KurokajiSyndicate's first Dynamis-Beaucedine run in a while and I was @1 for the Cleric's Briault which is, really, the only piece of WHM that I really WANTED aside from the Cleric's Pantaloons. The run went absolutely fabulous with Oric finally getting his Pantin Tobe and Bennei getting her Duelist's Tabard. It was on one of our last few fulls when I see that the Cleric's Briault dropped. I honestly, jumped and was so ecstatic. Oric, along with Bennei and Lavera all sent me /tells saying to "Go, go, go lot! Ani lot!" Its common rule for Astrael to announce who can lot first so I waited then she only said Lchan, the other Mithra who was @1 for WHM. I thought there was a mix up and that she missed what I wanted. So I asked and just then she broke the news that, "I'm sorry, Ani ;-; but Lchan has more points" I was devastated because I completely forgot we only had points for the Northland areas and I'm pretty sure if I was able to lot I would've outlotted her. None the less, {Carbuncle}ations to Lchan. Hopefully it will drop next time.

Enough bitching for one night. Its time for mine and Oric's first ever Limbus run ;)

P.S. Best quote ever while we were on the discussion of Oric taking my gil BUT he paid me back for the Condenser and half of the Azoth

"I'm like the drug addicted, alcoholic cousin that needs money all the time in our FFXI relationship. And he's the rich uncle."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Makin' Progress

Its been quite a while since I've last blogged. Its a pity though, since I've been doing a lot and have accomplished a lot in game.

I may as well start off with my and Oric's Puppetmaster and White Mage static. Although we partied most of our other jobs together, Oric and I managed to hit 75 in the same party. In all honesty, I'm quite shocked that I still leveled WHM past 37 since when I first started leveling Black Mage I subbed Summoner taking on the I don't want to main heal aspect and vice versa with Summoner. One weekend though, I managed to fly through WHM. Getting it to thirty so I wouldn't be gimp anymore. and then eventually 37. Then early last year my friends persuaded me into trying out WHM past 37 and I'm glad that I did because I really enjoy the job and I think I'm a good WHM. I know Lavera likes it when I'm the main WHM in Dynamis. Oric and I have been doing a lot on WHM and PUP as well, mainly some FoV and we've been working on our Mythic WS. We're only on Floor 5 but we're making progress since we can each close a light skillchain. Now only if Dynamis - Beaucedine would be nice to us and spare a Pantin Tobe and a Cleric's Briault. Anyways, on to missions!

If any of you guys have been following my blog you'll know that I'm in a Chains of Promathia static with five other of my friends. We were put on a hiatus after Letira's was out of a job. Well, he made it back to the game around the middle of September and we resumed with Three Paths. Sadly though, our kick ass MNK Seraphe lost interest with the game and we had to end up replacing him. Surprisingly, we managed to get another member who was just as good as Seraphe. A blonde Hume with a beard named Karlik,w ho soloed each of his jobs to 75. Each and every one of the fights for Three Paths went as smooth as I could have ever imagined. The only trouble we had was during the Moblin fight. I ended up putting up every other important buff aside from barfira but luckily I used Benediction and Let managed to get hate back from me.

Then, we all know what comes after Three Paths, hands down one of the most talked about missions in the game. Chains of Promathia mission 6-4, One to Be Feared, or simply known as the airship fight. I think I can speak for everybody in the static that we were all terrified of what was soon to come we came into that batle as prepared as we could ever fucking be. Our first fight went smooth, a little rough on time but we had no problems with the Mammets but Omega turned out to be the biggest problem of the entire fight. Near the end he starts to get nasty as hell. On our first try we managed to get Ultima down to 2% and then we wiped/ran out of time. We went three more times, switching up our party set up each time. On our fourth try, we were ready for business. We had Ixidor as Paladin, Letira and Karlik as Warrior, Aylah as Corsaid, Oric as Bard, and me as White Mage. We defeated the Mammets with barely any difficulty at all, Omega was still being a prick to us when he was at 1% when he went crazy and we ended up wiping. No worries, got back up and with a quick WS and a Holy he was down. Finally, it was the final mob, Ultima. This was the most smooth the battle ever went for us and we ended up winning. A fight that I thought I may never get to experience, we won. The cheers heard over Skype and the messages that filled up our party chat were hilarious. We fuckin' earned it! With that we only needed two more major missions and we'd have access to Sea and be able to do Limbus with our LS.

Then, once again, we were hit with bad news. Letira wasn't going to be able to play for a good bit of time and with that we came to an agreement that we could go ahead and move on with out him. Its sad to say, but being this close to the conclusion of CoP we needed to continue especially since we waited months for him to come back when he first lost his job. Everything is okay though, he was with us ever since our first Promy - Mea and when and if he comes back we'll be there to help him. Since yesterday we were stuck with 5/6 people for the NMs and TenzenI went ahead and asked the LS if anybody was available to help and sure enough, Astrael, our LS leader and probably one of the best geared Dark Knights on Shiva helped us and soon enough, by 2PM EST Karlik, Ixidor, Aylah, Oric, and I had access to Al'Taieu or as most FFXI Players refer to it as, Sea.

We accomplished so much ever since we started playing Final Fantasy XI and its nice to have done so. After leaving Sea, Oric and I joined some of our LS members for a Colibri party where Oric got 66BRD and I got three merit points. Speaking of, I finally maxed out my Summoning Magic merits at 8/8. With my Summoning Magic set I get 297 MP back from Elemental Siphon during single weather / Vana'Diel day. Hopefully I'll be upgrading my gear with the ability to partake in Salvage now and will get getting 300+ MP back.

In closing, I'd like to say {Carbuncle}ations to Oric for us somehow managing to get him a Hyorin Obi not even twenty-four hours after getting access to Sea. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time there. Later ;)

Monday, September 7, 2009

The unbelievable has happened on Shiva.

Windurst took over the Zulkheim Region.
Why is this the unthinkable? Well, that is because
Windurst, hasn't had control over that region
in supposedly two years. You know what else,
I haven't blogged in a month. A lot of stuff has
gone on in game, but I just haven't blogged about it.
I'll get back on track though ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ouch! A Cat Burglar Is Declawed

I've had quite an adventurous past few days in Vana'Diel.

Ever since the version update I've made steady progress with a Moogle Kupo d'Etat and in my opinion, its been a great set of missions so far. I've done just about all of the missions with them and, surprisingly, the fight against Nanaa Mihgo went well despite her King Cobra Clutch nearly killin' Meph quite a few times. The other bad thing was I ended up getting horrid lag the entire battle so just about everything I was doing was nearly five seconds or more delayed. The only time we faced any serious trouble was near the end, with Nanaa Mihgo with almost less than 5% health and only Bennei and I left standing and low MP I used Astral Flow and Searing Light and finished her off :)

After that battle was finished the three of us went ahead and got caught up until the final battle, Smash! A Malevolent Menace. The missions really weren't too bad. However, I managed to fuck things up a bit when I failed the Trivia Section twice. The first question asked how many times I had entered my Mog House. 7000 or 10000 times. I guessed the latter. FAIL. The second question asked me the sum of my jobs. FAIL. The question I finally ended up winning with was asking me the sum of all of my crafts. That was the easiest question ever, I don't have any crafts leveled. After that we made our was through Castle Zvahl with Bennei leading. {Map} {Master} Taru.

Sadly, I may not be able to blog for a while. I be bloggin' on Oric's laptop. My piece of shit mashtop is getting repaired.

Take care :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Zi'Tah Witch Project

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This is what a long evening of duoing Scholar with Ixidor ends up like.
It was really good experience, nonetheless, but the Lesser Gaylas turned
out to be a pain in the ass. And then we died. Luckily, there was a White Mage
at the outpost . He and his friend ran right past us. :P

So, since nobody was available on the linkshell I asked him if he could raise Ixi and me.
No answer, so I asked his friend. They were standing right in front of us.
So, after giving me a /disgusted the White Mage raised Ixi and ran off. Too bad Ixi's Scholar
is only thirty-one and he can't raise. I sent him another /tell saying Ixi didn't get raise until
thirty-five. Thanks Gass :P

No raise, luckily enough a Red Mage was on his way to Sky and gave me a quick raise.
Aside from that, we managed to level. Ixi got 32 and I got 38 and 39 considering I was
only 600tnl at start. I think I'm going to level Scholar to 75 now. I'll see after I get Accession.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Need Some Bait?

Carbuncle and I are really bad at fishing anything up besides monster.

If only we could fish up a Norg Shell.

I'm runnin' out of bait ;-;

Aside from the fact that I will never make a successful career out of fishing I must say that the rest of the Moogle Kupo d'Etat quests have been quite fun. They've introduced to some of the various crafts that I've never really shown interest in before such as using the HELM techniques for Welcome! To My Decrepit Domicile and chocobo digging for Shock! Arrant Abuse of Authority. However, my fishing skill is horrid. The last time I actually remember is fishing when I was still a new adventurer and I got a fishing rod off of a Goblin.

At least Bennei taught me how to properly fish. I was doing it wrong the entire time and Meph supplied me with free hatchets.

After catching just about every damn monster in that lake I ran out of bait. Trust me, I was pretty disappointed so I made started back to Norg when I realized that there was quite a gathering outside of the Ornamental Door. Before I knew it, the door had opened and I made my way through.

Off to Quicksand Caves I met up with the Goblin Geologist who, of course, needed me to gather all nine stones to put the Navaratna Talisman back together so I can help rescue my Moogle's beloved Kupuriru. Aside from the running around, gathering all the stones wasn't as bad a a level thirty cap ;)

This means that I am currently on Roar! A Cat Burglar Bares Her Fangs, bring it on Mithra. I'll end up completing a Moogle Kupo d'Etat with Bennei and Meph. That means group photo with new hats....even if they do look a bit silly ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Silencer of the Echo

So, as you may have guessed by the title, I have finally obtained my Royal Redingote.

After five attempts at retrieving the Omnis Stone and five attempts at fighting the Seed Crystal, my group won. I had in mind what I wanted to choose ever since I saw the list of augments.

I chose "Avatar perpetuation cost" -2 and Pet: Magic Accuracy +7/Magic Atk. Bonus +7.

Now, since most people gave a review of the expansion, I'll go ahead and give my two gil:

I'll admit that I didn't have too much of a problem with the first quests obtaining the Seedspall Lux, Luna, and Astrum even without subbing Thief. But I have heard that people have killed a ridiculous amount of mobs before finally getting the items. The second back-to-back fetch quest was, in my opinion, a bigger pain than the first quest. If I remember correctly, next was the Seed Mandragora fight which was great, especially seeing Ramuh one hit all of them round after round, and then was the first harder fight of ACP.

The fight againt the Seed Orc, Quadav, Yagudo, and Goblin. It was a challenging fight. Obtaining the Mark of Seed wasn't hard at all especially since Ixidor led the way with some Benny Hill worthy moments ;) But it was the fight that took us about four or so tries. But finally we won.

After the fight againt the Seed Beastmen we found ourselves venturing about and getting cutscenes and then we brace ourselves for the Lower Delkfutt's Tower portion where you have to ascend the tower under a level thirty cap. Thats was a fucking pain in the ass especially the one time I went as Dancer and died and didn't have any type of reraise.

In the end, though, we ended up winning and our final attempt went so well. The only person who had gotten hit was our Paladin, okay, our Red Mage may have gotten hit once or twice from a Seed Thrall but we all did a such great job. I was a bit disappointed with the story and the cutscenes though especially in comparison to Wings of the Goddess. As a matter of fact, the only cutscenes I thought were good was the first cutscene and the last. All of the others were a bit 'meh'

Onto Monday's update! All I can say is that it was full of win even if I don't have the final Bastok mission done to continue. Oric and I made a brave venture into the Northlands where we, surprisingly, didn't get ourselves killed. And the music track in Xarcabard [S] is simply to die for!

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And on Tuesday....I got to kill the Amphiptere with a group of Summoners!

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I'm off to work on a Moogle Kupo d'Etat since I'm only on Curses! A Horrifically Harrowing Hex. I really like this expansion a lot more than ACP. The cutscenes are cute and I don't really mind the fetch quests this time around.

Take care, I'll upload pictures later. I'm a bit lazy ^^;;

Friday, July 17, 2009

{Um...} BCNM

These past few days have been full of BCNMs and quite rewarding too.

Khaiya had been wanting to try Up In Arms and possibly get a Kraken Club which, if it dropped, we'd split the profits.

Khaiya and I had enough seals to get an orb and we headed out to Palborough where I continued to pull a huge ass train up to Waughroon Shrine :3

Turns out that I ended up getting the wrong orb so we only had one try for that day. Yeah, I fail ;)

The BCNM was eay, the only thing that could possibly give us problems was the time limit but for both of the times we tried, one that day and one the following, we won. No Kraken Club, but we still managed 20k a fight.

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In case you were wondering, our set up was BLM SCH DRG. Khaiya leached as DRG but she was great, healing breath from Kocha when we were in lower health.

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And on Sunday after months of Oric wanting Ni we got it!

I'll admit, I was a nervous going into Royal Jelly because it was my first time and because I hadn't played my Danceri n months.

Good news though, version update in three days.

New WotG Missions, I wish Let was back ;-;

Monday, July 13, 2009

J'adore DIORite

I need to quit procrastinating so much when I write my posts.

I'll go ahead and start with Sky. If you didn't know, I had my doubts at first but now that we've done more runs I'm really glad with how the linkshell ended up. I can say that we've accomplished more than any of the previous Sky linkshells I've had.

Seraphe had me come as Black Mage this time and I sort've enjoyed it. When everybody got there, we went up to Faust and had Seraphe explain the strategy. Easy enough, only one person didn't listen and engaged him. He died though.

Next with DIORite farming. Haha, the first time we farmed it with DynaKnights it reminded me of the Dior commercial with Charlize Theron:
It was like a little merit party and we had both of the rooms open to camp in. After a few pulls we actually managed to get a DIORite to drop. Just one, but it was still a drop, none the less.

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Seraphe figured that since we had so many people and a DIORite, that we should end the night with Ullikummi. I had to admit, I was just a little bit nervous but everything went as planned and we got all three of the drops. I think the Ulfheddin Axe went to Ixidor.

The next day was a bit slow, when I started with campaign and I got my next medal, so I believe I'm close to the highest available medal, until the July update that is. I did a bit of exploring this week after picking up my map of Grauberg. I picked up a Chocobo in Bastok to avoid the chigoes and hippogryphs. Grauberg is definately my favorite area in the game, hands down :)

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Oric, Khai, and I then decided to start a party with Paladin, Puppetmaster, and White Mage and it was such a great party. I got my White Mage to level 65 and Oric got his Puppetmaster to 64. Three more levels til my Noble's Tunic :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All Burned Out

Its been a while since I've posted an actual update, but I have a lot to write about.

Last Friday was CarpeNoctem's final Dynamis run. They had planned it to be as they had began, Dynamis - Bastok. Which, in a way, was ironic considering that is where Anidrall started his adventures. We entered a bit late, considering it'd be our last gather together and going over the rules. Plus, who doesn't like Goblin Ani and Goblin Oric terrorizing the citizens of Bastok.

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It was definately a bit of an emotional night especially since CarpeNoctem has been running for nearly five years now. It was a quick run, as most of our usual Bastok runs. Nalya and Kennth were both of our tanks for the night and as usual the run went amazing. In the time I was with CN, I had never seen a failed run. The drops that night were plentiful, even though Oric and I didn't get any relic. We broke the record that night on relic drops which, if this wouldn't have been our last run, would have earned us an extre point :) We ended the run with a final {Elemental Seal} {Thundaga} III and linkshell pictures afterwards.

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After that, the members who were online and of course wanted went to do some Ballista. It was my first time and let me tell you what, it was so fun. I went as Summoner and I loved using one of my blood pacts on somebody, especially when they decided to engage with me. I think everybody did four or five rounds and it wasn't over until five in the morning my time. CN said they'd like to do more Ballista so maybe the shell won't be completely dead.

Next on my list to tell you about is that I've finally maxed my Tier I merits on Summoners. I put two into Avatar attack and accuracy, two into Avatar magic accuracy and four into Avatar magic attack. I'm happy with my choices and even better I get to start on my Tier II merits now. After getting more than 30k exp in campaign and my new Wings of Integrity medal, I unlocked Heavenly Strike for Shiva <3

Now, the title of this blog post is a quote from Sano, another Summoner in my linkshell. It is in regards to the Astral Flow Burn party method. I have capped Summoning Magic and I refused to put any job in one of those parties because I don't want to be a gimp Summoner. On Monday he asked me if I wanted to merit using that method. I figured it wouldn't hurt and it'd be the fastest way for me to put max merits into Heavenly Strike. I was with a few other people I didn't know and after we finished the first pull Sano took the level sync off. I was horrified after watching the level 67 Summoner, Gohann, Elemental Siphon 54 MP back. Thats all. I was sick. After that he said he still needed Leviathan, Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan and if anybody was willing to help him....

I left and went up to Sky with the LS. We did awesome that night! We popped, claimed, and killed Despot without any deaths. Thanks to Lailu for the Taru sacrifice :)

Finally, we're on to today. I went out to breakfast with my family today which was a nice break considering I only have cereal for breakfast in the morning. When I got back, I went and got my map of Grauberg and went out to explore the area a lot more than I recently have. I thought about it today and if/when the servers close or when I do end up quitting the game, I want to log off in Grauberg. To me, its the most beautiful area in the game.

By the way, WHM is 63 ;)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Serket Breaker

Is Serket considered an HNM? I thought he was, anyway I didn't log on until later today after sleeping in and getting some much needed sleep.

Last night Oric and I hit level sixty-one with Puppetmaster and White Mage with an amazing party. A great group of people too so that made it even better. The Paladin had to leave since he was already late to Dynamis so we took Aylah to Cape Terrigan to do some FoV and get her level. While I was there I got club skill 200 and got Judgment. Only twenty levels more and I'll have access to Hexa Strike. Also, I finally capped out my Summoner's Tier I Merits.

Back to Serket! Once I logged on this morning I went up to Whitegate to get some of my missing spells. Well, really only Cure V and Esuna. Have yet to try them out in parties, well, maybe not Cure V in case its really needed :) I figured I might as well get to work on my Summoner's Tier II Merits so I made way to the past to do some campaign. I grabbed orders for Hawk Eye III. Only problem was the only place that was under Quadav control was Beadeaux [S]. I was up to it though so I headed to Pashhow and got my tags. Let me tell you, I hated that place when it was under Bastokan control. Breakga is a bitch. I didn't get much from that battle so after it was over I buffed up and headed out to Beadeaux. I got lucky on the way there. Everytime something was going to wear off I was always in a safe spot. This is, well, the second time I've been in this area so I wasn't sure what to expect besides Imps. I didn't know where the fortifications were and I didn't find out where they were so I just decided to warp out.

Before I warped out I got a message from Zumayriss asking if I could help with Serket. I figured, what the hell so I headed out. I've never killed Serket before and I've never seen anybody kill him but I've heard he's not too hard at all. At first we had me a SMN and another SMN, PLD, SAM, DRG, DRG, RDM, and BLM. I guess I wasn't paying attention to what had happened but after being there an hour or so the PLD, SAM, one of the DRGs left. I thought they just had to go leave for an event but I found out later why they left.

Then, not even ten minutes after they left he popped! I was down near where the undead mobs popped when I got the call in the party and Zuma saying HURRY HURRY ITS SERKET. I GOT CLAIM. I ran down there so fast and by that time we were low on people. Only one melee, and two jobs that weren't really suited for the situation. Right away, the Red Mage got aggroed by a Chamber Beetle. His sleep didn't stick and he died and the Black Mage got magic aggro by one of the pots in the corner. With just the three of us left we managed to get him to around seventy percent. I was pretty lucky on which day we ended up fighting Serket since Garuda perpetuation was lower from the latent on my relic body.

I was running low on MP so I used Astral Flow and got off a few Predator Claws before having to Elemental Siphon again. Near fifty percent I decided to call in back up, because we were going to need it. Seraphe, Aylah, and Umi made it to Garlaige as fast as they could along with other help from Zeuss, the Red Mage, and we killed Serket. Serket Ring dropped, and I was the first to say {Carbuncle}ations to Zuma, but then I saw for Zeuss to lot as well. Take note, he was dead throughout the whole battle and didn't contribute at all. He got the ring ;-; and soon after I found out that if Zuma had gotten the ring that her sister Seita would get it. Her sister that didn't help, that wasn't there, and said nothing but for her sister to fail, I was pissed about that. I warped out and got ready for Sky.

Sky went good tonight, Steamcleaner popped on the first pull. Killed and got drop. Did some water farming, no water though but we had a good time :) Shiva was kicking ass today with Rush, my highest was 1202 :D We made a new friend today, Khaiya, who is able to join us on Skype! I'm slacking, too much for to blog about for the past few days. I'll probably have another for tomorrow too. Good-night.....or good-morning where you live :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Now, {Viper Bite}

I finally ended up getting some sleep this morning. Even though it wasn't much, it was better than running on nothing the entire day. When I woke up, however, I was sad to hear that the Dynamis LS was going to split after this month's schedule was over. I almost regret not going to last night's run, but what can I do. Real life comes first. This Tuesday is Xarcabard and that upcoming Friday will be the last run, Dynamis - Bastok which is the first Dynamis run they did.

Its funny, when we first applied we were constantly waiting to be accepted and the day we did, I got this hilarious message:

"OMG! We're in! Now we have the pleasent task for getting to CoP 3-5 to be able to do any Dynamis. We wont be able to go on Saturday becuase its in Beaucedine and we have to beat all the cities to be able to enter that =/. oh well, that just gives us more time to get the CoPs done and get a nice buffer ^_^. I think Opinyu said that there would be people who would help us on CN get to CoP 3-5. Omg, i think i have carple tunnel or something, my wrist started hurting really bad when i was typing this. PS Hope you got your braces off ^_^"

Its sad they're splitting but in the mean time, I'm glad I got to experience these short six months with them. CarpeNoctem was such a well ran linkshell and the people there are great as well. I also can't complain for getting 5/5 Summoner relic. Its gon' be sad to see the linkshell disband though ;-;

Continuing on, Oric and I put together another Puppetmaster and White Mage party today. It was at one of those odd levels though, so we just decided to level sync down to level 56. Overall, it was a nice party. The PLD, however, kept bitching and complaining about refresh and how the Corsair's Evoker's Roll wasn't good enough. He ended up leaving and saying he needed to go. Of course he did, we saw him on the way to Oric's PUP AF3 BCNM. By the way, we fucked that Automaton up >:D

Friday, June 26, 2009

Do you feel fierce?

I didn't go to Dynamis tonight either. I don't know what it is but I haven't been able to sleep at all this week. I figured it was better to sit out this run and try to get some sleep but that didn't work.

Instead, I was on Skype with Oric the whole time telling him that he was going to get his Etoile Casaque. Oric, on the other hand, said he wasn't going to get it.

At 1:39 AM I get this message on Skype:

[1:39:10 AM] Oric: OMG idhngfidsnwe
[1:39:14 AM] Oric: ETOILE CASAQUE
[1:39:21 AM] Andrall: DID IT DROP
[1:39:48 AM] Oric: ITS MINE
[1:39:54 AM] Andrall: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[1:40:55 AM] Oric: difhidwgnegnidrgnhiefrnifnb
[1:40:59 AM] Oric: IM GONNA VOMIT
[1:43:26 AM] Andrall: Girl! {Carbuncle}ations
[1:47:55 AM] Oric: birth of lamb
[1:47:57 AM] Oric: OMG BLOG
[1:58:10 AM] Oric: It's so pretty ;-;
[1:58:14 AM] Oric: I wanna wear it now!

Yeah, too bad he can't wear it now. He's in Dynamis-Xarcabard for another three hours as his Scholar. Its the one piece of relic that he wanted the most, as soon as he got the CarpeNoctem pearl hand the WotG relic was released. He had that on his priority list and now its his. Now he only needs the Etoile Tiara and he'll be 5/5 on his Dancer relic.

I think thats all. Oh, yeah, I really need to work on my entry for the Stratics quest contest. I want that Shadow Lord statue or the baby chocobo plush ^^

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prince Anidrall til Vana'dielos XVIX

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(The text in the box says, "Shit, I thought I logged out in Windurst?!" Blogspot keeps downgrading my pictures so I need to find a way to fix it")

Oric <<<> That's the nineteenth isn't it?
Oric >> XIX XD
Oric <<> Well, just put that, its what I meant :P

I don't know what my problem was but I couldn't get any sleep at all last night so I probably won't go to Dynamis tonight. That and my buffer on Black Mage isn't good. Tonight was supposed to be that linkshell's ZNM night and for the past two weeks nobody arrived.
In all honesty, I'm getting a bit fed up of the linkshell even though it just started. I decided to take it easy and refrain from partying today, and instead play some Parasite Eve. My cousin let me borrow it since I've had an urge to replay it for a while. I finished the museum level and I am now fighting Eve's final form. Thats when I logged on for ZNM only to hear bitching and complaining and how they'd rather go up to Sky today. Honestly, I don't think I'm going to get my Karura Hachigane anytime soon. I ended up logging and going back to replaying FFIX which is the inspiration for the picture at the top. Tomorrow, Oric and I are hoping to get White Mage and Puppetmaster to 60 then after we'll probably try and find some help for his PUP AF3. Damn you, Valkeng >:(

Monday, June 22, 2009

Waking the Beast....again

So after last night's Winterstone disaster, Seraphe said that we were going back to Ve'Lugannon Palace to try and spawn Steam Cleaner. I was put on task of sleeping the detectors and it was one of the funniest things I've seen. It reminds me of an old B horror film called Chopping Mall.

There's a scene in particular where a scantily clad teenage hoe is runnin' through the mall being chased by this crazed security robot that looks like the vacuum from the Teletubbies. Her friends are staring at her through a store window, half naked while she is being shot at by this damn robot. After getting shot once in the leg and once in the back she decides to stop, turn around, and let out a scream while the robot is still shooting at her. She then receives a laser to the head causing her head to exlode on impact. Dominated :)

Aside from that, our Waking the Beast run was a fail. We've lost at the same part of the fight, each time. Once Carbuncle is taken down to I believe 50% HP three random avatars will spawn in his place. Each of the parties were designated on one of the avatars. My party took down Titan while the others were on Shiva and Leviathan and thats when we wiped. In my opinion, I think we mainly wiped because of simple mistakes.


Be careful! There be spoilers ahead!

Will we ever stop Carbuncle's diabolical plans? I guess you'll have to find out. I think Leoheart planned another run in a week or so. The next version update feels so far away. Oric, Letira, and I are on Crossroads of Time for the actual mission arc and we're on the last Bastok [S] mission which will be finished once Let comes back. Hopefully that will be soon ;-;

Now, one thing that I've always done while we were doing the WotG missions was theorize. I think thats a word, haha. But it always gave small clues about things. The one thing was that I guessed was that Portia and Ragelise were in fact Lilisette's mother. Now depending on how far this update will take us with the missions it may or may not reveal who I think Lady Lillith really is. I think that she is actually Lilisette from not our present but the far future or possibly an alternate Vana'Diel where what happened was based on what things Lilisette may have fucked up once she travelled to the past. But thats just my thoughts ;)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dear Valkeng,

I don't like you and I guarantee we'll kick your ass next time. Lil' punk ass Automaton, when everybody isn't 'fishing' :P

Aside from that, Oric and I took a break from leveling White Mage and Puppetmaster to go ahead and skill up in Kuftal Tunnel. He needed to skill up his Automaton's magic and I needed to skill up my club skill because I want to be able to use Hexa Strike as soon as possible. I started at a 145 skill level and when I was around 165 Oric had to leave, I went ahead and went on over to Vunkerl Inlet to as least get True Strike, which I did. SMN/NIN was fun especially with the Martial Wand.

After all of that fun, I decided that I needed some gil so I went on an avatar run with Umizawa and Oric. Since Oric was only a level 28SMN we just had him warp up and watch. I guess after PUP he's going to level SMN which will be cool. We'll probably static that with another one of my jobs as well. I'm thinking my Scholar. All of the avatar fights went smooth except for Garuda who continued to be a bitch and spam Whispering Wind. We won and all we have left is to turn in out whispers and get out 60k which will most likely go towards my Noble's and Blessed set which is coming up sooner than I think.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sky inspired me to write a song

Actually, its the second song inspired by Sky, the first being from when Oric and I went with DynaKnights. It goes to the beat of the song Party, Party, Join Us, Join Us, which is the end theme to the show Shin Chan, one of my personal favorites. Well, here goes nothing, hope you enjoy:

Went to Sky late this evening
Linkshell was goin' farmin'
Aura Pots were rainin' from the sky
Everyone is runnin' from me
This map seems awkward to me
If this keeps on I’m sure we won't kill Zip

But then I close my eyes and try to buff

I know things are bad and getting worse

But after all this I can heal awhile

But I'm not in a party

Party Party, Please invite me

Party Party, Please invite me
Party Party, Please invite me
I can buff and DD
Party Party, Please invite me
Party Party, Please invite me
Party Party, Please invite me
I need invited please

Yo, got the pop item, Mon
Oric is buffin'
and you're just not here
Think its just me and him standin' here
An Aura Pot be castin' Flare
and nobody is here
Why don't you listen to us

Party Party, Please invite me
Party Party, Please invite me
Party Party, Please invite me
I can buff and DD



You can listen to the actual song here:

We actually didn't do that bad for a practice run. The main problem is that some people just do not listen and do not come prepared. One of our Samurai didn't bring any Silent Oils, which is uncalled for especially since we announced it to the linkshell that everybody needed them. Our Ninja, Woven, was dead for nearly a half an hour due to him and Lome getting aggro. On the plus side, we managed to get the Aura Pots to drop two Ro'Maeve Waters. One of which we used to pop Olla, which actually went very smooth.

Besides Sky, I decided to do more campaign and some Campaign Ops. Mainly Hawk Eye III (Bastok), which is incredibly easy and gives 904 Allied Notes in return. Got my Mythril Wings of Service ∮∮ and I am now 10k away from capping out my Summoner's Tier I merits.

Aside from FFXI, I want to replay Parasite Eve just by listening to this song:

Take care :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wajaom Woodlands ate our tanks

I kid you not, Oric and I lost at least two tanks and multiple party members to Wajaom Woodlandss today. We were up earlier and set up a party with a rather good set up. Our Thief continued to pull and on chain five our Ninja just randomly says that he's sleepy and he needs to go. Luckily, I found another Ninja replacement who did nothing but bitch that I wasn't hasting him. I believe haste lasts three minutes, and I normally haste Ninja tanks at the beginning of every battle. As soon as he hit 75, he said he was called into work. I guess being called into work means going and leveling your level fifteen Dancer. I can't complain, I got level 58 on the last mob, but still thats bullshit.

Party disbanded so Oric and I took a lunch break and decided to go farm my Tavnazian Bell. I was dreading this, considering it took us three hours to farm two for Yukkari and another member from our old LS, TheEmeraldSpiral but Oric and I got lucky going 1/4 on the bell.

After that we made another party, which included a PLD, RDM, BLU, PUP, SAM, and WHM. Nice set up, right? I thought so too. Oric and I thought the RDM was dual boxing between herself and the RDM and especially since they both started disconnecting after a few pulls. After that we lost our Samurai. Would Oric every get 58?! Of course we would :) We found reps and most would consider it an unorthodox party but it was NIN, WAR, PLD. BLU, WHM, and PUP. We destroyed, it was such a great party.

Then after wearing that damn Seer's Tunic from level twenty-nine to fifty-eight, we finally went and fought the NM for my WHM AF3 quest and in all honesty, I was rather disappointed with the WHM AF Quests. The BLM one was decent, loved the SMN quests, but this one was just boring especially the final cutscene! Special thanks to Hatsuharu, Blackodin, Azalynn, and Oric for helping me :)

ZNMs were cancelled for today due to lack of people showing up :( but instead I went to help Az with Shiki. Haha, that was the most fun I've had camping Shiki. I was standing on the stairs with the Dancer and I noticed something pop behind me! It was fucking Shiki! I could've shouted out every obscenity when I saw him. I quickly threw a Carby at him and engaged and hit! I got the claim! During the battle though, the other group we were camping against decided to try and kill us by pulling a train of weapons through us. Dumbasses didn't succeed and got theirselves killed and didn't get a raise before I warped out.. We ended up killing Shiki but nothing dropped. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. More NM killing, went to help Oric with Valkurm Emperor but he didn't pop and we had Dynamis in an hour so we decided to call it a night. In the end, I decided to sit out on Dynamis-Xarcabard because my BLM's buffer is low...really low, I'm talkin' three digits. I need to work on that. I hope you get your Etoile Casaque, Oric! Good-luck!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Serenade best watch herself

I'm blogging a bit later today, but its exciting because its Oric and my first Aht Urhgan party. Unlike our last few parties, I started this one and with a pretty good set up, I think so anyway. Our party set out to one of the lesser known Colibri camps at I-6 and just as we were about to start another party came along but thankfully they were respectful to ask if we had just started and they moved camp when I answered back.

The party started and after a minor set back with our Blue Mage using Frightful Roar next to a group of Colibri, we got back on our feet and tried again. In case you're wondering our party consisted of WHM, PUP, NIN, DNC, DRK, BLU. Now, I don't want to brag and I'm just saying this because Oric is my friend but he's a damn good Puppetmaster. His Automaton, Serenade, kicks ass. Here Daze was doing anywhere from 390-500o on these birds. I think her highest did 512? Either way, Serenade kicked ass, despite dying a few times. So most people who have said lolPUP, its probably you've yet to play the job or have partied with a bad PUP before.

Now, onto my White Mage. I feel like I've been doing a really good job controlling my hate while healing in parties., and I feel as though I'm good conserving my MP as well. Especially since I've been spoiled with Elemental Siphon and Sublimation on SMN when I did have to main heal. Today though, I've gotten hit a few times. Now, not sure if its normal but I haven't changed anything in my healing. I normally start, after party buffs of course, with casting Haste on the tank and then followed by a Regen II. By that time the mob is pulled and we're fighting, and even though we're back in Wajaom I still find myself using Cure II a lot on our tank if he gets into yellow HP and Regen II if somebody else in the party starts getting hit. I really only use Cure III when absolutely needed, another way of conserving my MP, in my opinion. A few of the times I did throw out a Cure III I got mashed, I haven't died yet but I got hit pretty bad. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or if its just typical when you start using Cure III more often. This makes me excited for the rest of my AF, -4 Enmity on the body, {Yes please}. If any of you guys have suggestions for me I'd love to hear them :)

The party ended with Oric and I both getting 56 and decided that we really needed abreak. I went ahead and made my lunch salad and finishd mowing the grass and cleaning up the house. When I came back Oric and I went to work on my Crawlers' Nest Coffer Key for my Healer's Pantaloons, this will make my third pair of spats. It took at least a half an hour to get that key and the coffer was up when we went to farm the key as well ><>

After that, the day repeated itsself. A few of us from the LS went up to Sky to get zeni from the Water Elementals, that conned as VT. The lan was to get them down to around 5% and sleep them but that didn't work out too well. In the end I had enough for two Vulpangue pop items, hopefully I'll only need one. Then after that, yeah, you guessed it, made another party. Oric and I got level 57 :) I think tomorrow morning I'm gon' start my WHM AF3 quest and farm that damn Tavnazian Bell. Wish me luck :P

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Most people have the map to here, kids with cancer probably do"

So, over the past few days I've kept you guys informed that Oric and I were flying through the levels as White Mage and Puppetmaster. I have to say that I hate Garlaige Citadel. Its good experience and I like the location and the story behind the place but I am just so sick and tired of the level 44-50 camp in the basement. We've partied there three days in a row, one of the parties was rather slow but got us a few levels 52-54 in the past three days and we're lookin' pretty fierce in our AF ;)

I wanted to try soloing my WHM AF hat so I went ahead and headed out to Garlaige Citadel...again. I checked behind the other banishing gates and with my luck it was behind the third banishing gate so I went ahead and warped out, retraced and headed back to Garlaige Citadel [S], went through the maw, and finally back into Garlaige Citadel. I got lucky and it was right at the bottom of the steps.

Today though Oric and I finally got 54, we were planning on skipping Kuftal Tunnel altogether and long at last we've finally made it to the Whitegate levels and you know what that means, tons and tons of colibri waiting to b massacred at every pull and giving everybody a shit ton of experience. Its gon' go so fast, I can't wait until my Nobles/Blessed set.

Putting that aside, I really wish these fucking Quadavs would drop a Beadeux coffer key.

P.S. Thanks Ixi, for providing us with this blog title :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Anidrall has the Nyzul Isle Blues

I told you that only being level 47WHM would change by the end of the day. Oric and I are making amazing progress with White Mage and Puppetmaster. This is really the only, dare I say it, static that has worked between us. After taking a lunch break and giving me time to blog we went to look to make another party. Guess what, zero tanks. We went ahead and put our flags up and specifically asked for 44+ party invited.

We were about to call it quite when I got asked for a party invite, but he said nevermind since my search comment read 44+. I looked what level he was and saw it was 37. I went ahead and asked if he was partying in East Ronfaure [S] and to my surprise he replied "You bet we are"

Its just one of those camps I love, especially because its a camp in one of the WotG zones plus its colibri, so it was bound to be fast. It was faster than we though. Our party insisted of a WHM. PUP. RNG. RNG. SAM. and BRD. I don't care if we gimped our skills a bit, th experience was fucking amazing! I got from level 47-51 in that party and Oric is just a little bit behind as level 50.

After that, I put off Teleport - Altep and went to work on my WHM AF2 quest with Oric. Later it turned out to be a solo when I told Oric to go on a Nyzul run. We're both glad he did. He some something very special that will only want to make him level PUP ro 75 even faster. Lets just say I died when I went to kill the Abbots. I managed to aggro another one. Slept it easily but out of nowwhere came two more fucking mobs and I was destroyed. I felt like such a noob, after Nyzul Oric came to save me and we got the drop 1/3.

Oric logged and I was planning to take a trip through WG to grab a pair of moccasins off of the AH when I saw a shout for Nyzul Isle floor 20. I know Summoner isn't the most reliable, well most people don't think it is but I think it fares wel, job so I went ahead and asked. He answered real quick and I was able to come.

As usual I asked what type of role they wanted me as there and the leader said buffing with hastega and earthen ward and to back up cure. I din't have a problem with it. Our first run, 16-20 went pretty well until I was getting bombarded. As usual I used EW and I kid you not, almost ten second afterward I get a /tell "Give us hastega now" I trid explaining I still had time on my BP: Ward timer but they obviously didn't understand that. Then on our third floor which wass an eliminate all floor, I was getting told to pull as well and bring all the enemies to them. In all honesty and I'm not trying to sound conceited but I know I'm a good Summoner and I was being overwhelmed. It was seriously too much to pull, cure, and use both of my buffs. I think it was just so bad because we were on a half hour time limit. The second run, I don't even want to talk about it ;-;

Funny enough, the leader wanted to do more Nyzul with us. I really don't want to join if I'm going to have to pull as well. I didn't evn go into full detail about what shit went down. I reallly do need somebody there I know. I'm gon' see if I can get Oric and his SCH in. I was just so exhausted after the run and I felt like I just wanted to cry because I felt like it was my fault. Thank to Aara and Umi for trying to cheer me up though :)

Thats all for now....this should be listed as Wednesday as well, but I didn't post the blog until 2AM today. Until then, thanks for reading :)

Of Puks and Men

The current LS I'm in now actually had a really nice number of people show up for ZNMs yesterday. I'm guessing there were around fourteen or so people. The people who had a pop item for Chigre, Anantaboga, and Gigiroon so it ended up only two Vulpangue and an Ob for Aylah.

Now, most people know that I've been wanting the Karura Hachigane for my Summoner, well which Summoner wouldn't want it. Everybody was /NIN as recommended and we made our way our to the site. Aara and I did a /random to see who went first. Aara won.

The battle went pretty smooth until he was around 25% and he wiped everybody except the Summoners we had there. He was down to about 5% when I was killed. Haha, I only had like eleven MP left so I summoned Carby and got beat the fuck down. That was the only time I was hit during the battle. I can't remember but I'm guessing it was either Aara or Sano who finished him off with a Predator Claws and whaddya know, he dropped the K. Hachigane. So, {Carbuncle}ations to Aara. Even though I'm jealous its nice seeing another Summoner I started leveling SMN get a great piece of gear. After that we raised the dead and rested up for me to spawn the next Vulp. This fight went a lot smoother and I used Astral Flow just to be sure. Take note, only for a free Garuda, not Aerial Blast. Sano followed and we destroyed him that time, with less deaths than the first. No drop, not even a wind crystal. /sigh, at least I got the item for Sanraku. Aara's great though, she sent me a /tell afterwards that she had enough Zeni for another pop item and gladly help me out with that.

In regards to Ob, he's really week at least with a PUP in the party. Nothing dropped, just Ob's Arm. Better than nothing though I suppose, plus Aylah already had her Guignol Earring

After that there really wasn't much, Oric and I went to skill up Serenade's ranged and magic and my club skill because lets face it, I want Hexa Strike when my WHM gets that high. Once Serenade's ranged and magic were capped we decided to get ready for Dynamis - Beaucedine and take a nap before. We'd need it, 12AM to 5AM.

We went in about an hour late and I decided to go ahead and put points down on the Black Mage body, thanks to Hohito, whose blog I found as well ;) We did really good with drops that night, We got three or four BLM, three or four PUP, COR, BST, RDM, DNC, THF, two SMN, and I thats thats all. About half way through the run the power of Oric's street went out. This happens a good bit in Pennsylvania, ya' know because its shitty here. I did end up getting my Sorcerer's Coat after Hohito....yeah, I won with three points. Around 3AM I had to log off, my dad was bitching at me =/

Starting today of though, Oric and I made a party. A party that was a lot better than the one we had yesterday, only three deaths. First caused by my shitty as fuck router and the other two to aggro. Putting that aside, it was a rather nice party. I'm now WHM47 and Oric is 47 :)

Thats bound to change tonight though. lol

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

{Pianissimo} {Do you have it?}

First off, I'm going to take away any statements that I've said before about not leveling White Mage past thirty-seven. Its level fourty-six right now and I really do enjoy it.

Secondly, I need to get something off of my chest. I can't stand being blamed for things that are not my fault. I consider myself good at the jobs I play and I have been told on numerous occasions that I'm good at those jobs.

On to the story, Oric and I have been leveling PUP and WHM together and have set a goal to get them sixty plus by the end of the summer. I do a good job setting up parties and today was a similar situation. I, well Oric, finished my Tele-Vahzl scroll quest and he started looking for a tank. I get a message on Skype "THERE'S A PLD LOOKING! GO, GO, GO! MAKE A PARTY!" So I did and it was a damn good party set up as well.

Our final party set up was WHM, PUP, SAM, BLU, PLD, and a BRD. We settled on going to Crawler's Nest since Quicksand Caves already have a party there and I have yet to finish that Tele-Altep quest. I'll get to that later though.

After me having to run up and down the stairs to find a stable connection we got going. We were going to the Rumble Crawler camp and after hitting the slope I sneak and invisibled Oric, the PLD and BLU used their respective ninja tool and made their way to camp.

Now, blame it on me or not but I forgot what level invisible was and the BRD already started casting sneak on the SAM so I figured he'd sneak and invisible himself. I started making way to camp following close behind Oric in case his buffs started to wear. The BRD and SAM aggroed and died. Now, I didn't have a problem. I know mistakes happened because I disconnected prior to the party starting a few times. I went back and raised them. I rested my MP and then watched the Taru proceed to run out in front of an Exoray. He died again. I raised him again. After getting MP to S/I all of us, I started to sneak and invisible the SAM. The BRD snuck himself and we started moving towards camp. Thats when I got this in the party chat:

(Tetsuetsu) What, no invisible for me?

He got himself killed by running to the camp with only sneak up and not even asking for invisible. Now don't get me wrong, I would've gladly casted invisible on him but he didn't even bother to ask.

Putting that aside we made it to camp and proceeded with slow pulls, the puller was our BRD. His first 'pull' was by running into the middle of the room with the beetles and getting aggro. After that we said no more BRD pulling. Our BLU, Drkmessiah, who was a rather good BLU said he would pull for us and things started getting better until the BRD started to pull again. His first pull went well, he got hit, no problem, I gave him a Cure II and Regen II. At about 50% of the current's mob HP, he went to pull again and failed to sleep that crawler and he died. Our BLU started pulling again and the Bard was unweakened. On our soon to be final pull, another Rumble Crawler popped right me in the middle of the fight and proceede to beat the living fuck out of me thats when all hell broke loose.

After reraising, the Taru BRD, Tetsuketsu, complained to bitch about our experience per hour when he was clearly one of the causes for that. The PLD received ballad maybe once or twice and I don't think the BLU got it at all.

I'm not the one to respond to people like that but I was so pissed that I did, and I got what I wanted out and pretty much, the final words were {Pianissimo} {Do you have it?}. Sad to say the party with potential disbanded after that, and I had one more name on my blacklist.

Hopefully ZNMs will make up for this disaster :(

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Waking the Beast

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been incredibly busy. Now that school is finally out for the summer, I can blog on time.

Last Friday, it was Dynamis - Windurst time and I still needed my Summoner's Spats. I don't really think they're the best piece out of the relic set, but since the Evoker's Spats don't stack with the accuracy from the Summoner's Gloves, I'd figure I'd go ahead and put points n them so at least I'd match :)

It was really one of our better runs yet, I think. Aylah got her Pantin Dastanas and Oric got his Argute Loafers which made them both 5/5 on their relic sets. On our last few pulls the Summoner Spats dropped and they were mine, making me 4/5, I still need my Summoner's Horn.

On Saturday, I woke up pretty late and got one of the best tells from Oric:

Oric>> zomg! Somebody is shouting for Waking the Beasts, go, go, go, go!

I ended up joining their alliance and over the next two days, I got all the eyes for the final battle against Carbuncle, whom we'll be fighting this Saturday. So far I really like the storyline associated to this quest as Carbuncle being a false God, and I'm excited to see how it plays out :)

Now, this week so far has been amazing. My last day of school was on Tuesday and my ZNM LS decided to fight a few NMs. We had two successful Obs, {Carbuncle}ations Aylah on your Gunguil Earring and we also had a successful Chigre fight, that almost went bad. Real life things happened so we didn't get to fight Vulpangue. I will have my Karura Hachigane one day >:)

Later that night, I did the Up In Arms BCNM with Sano and Fki since Fki guaranteed 300k even if we didn't get the drop. After that was Dynamis - Xarcabard. I only had four points for Tuesday's Dynamis and somehow I got this beauty:

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I'm so happy, that makes me 5/5 on my Summoner Relic!

And on to other news, FFXIV is revealed and I think it looks awesome so far. Very reminscient of the FFXI original trailer. So, I think I'll try it out when it gets released, just everybody being a beginner in a large, vast new area excited me, plus everybdoy from my static says they want to try it too. Starting out with friends is always good :D Can't wait for SE's Booth at E3 today.

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Oh, and I love the logo :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How Nanako Got Her Groove Back

Since I recently started blogging, I haven't really had much time to rant about my NPC Fellow. It wasn't until last summer that I actually acquired my Signal Pearl after months procrastinating to do so.

At first, I followed Master Godfrey's advice to make my fellow more of a 'shield' style fellow and did so by creating a Galka named Zoldof. Now, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't really feeling him so Oric and I went to redo the first three quests in order to reobtain out Signal Pearls.

This time I went with a female named Nanako, Hottie Nanako. In case you've never watched the show Shin-Chan, Hottie Nanako is the Nohara Family's neighbor whom Shin has a crush on.

Anyway, at first I kept her as the shield style and lets just say she never lasted all fourteen kills. Just recently I changed her to fit the healer role and I think thats what I'm going to keep her as.

Back to yesterday, I still needed to get the rest of my Zeni for our attempts at Chigre and Ob later this week. I headed up to Whitegate to see what type of mobs Sanraku wanted pictures of since I didn't get any photos of Wamoura yesterday. Ryo let me know that Sanraku needed pictures of beastmen in the Sahagin family.
That would be an easy one, I changed to Summoner, grabbed my signal pearl, and took the free OP Warp to Yuhtunga Jungle.

I called Hottie Nanako, summoned Carbuncle, and we continued to kill the Sahagin around the area. I have to say, that I love Nanako set as smooth healer. She started buffing with Protect II and Shell and saved me from not having them. (I subbed BLM for a quick warp)



I decided to try getting pictures of higher level Sahagin in SSG. We started making our way down past the Ornamental Door where I saw another Black Mage taking pictures. Now, for some reason I decided to go ahead and pull the Delta Sahagin. I followed Carbuncle back to the Ornamental Door and got a quick lulz when they both came running back through the door.

I finished off my remaining soul plates on that mob and Hottie Nanako also reached level 34 and some hot new armor . I warped back to Windurst and had Ibwam take me back to WG where I continued to trade Sanraku my Zeni. Once all was traded I was left with 1499 Zeni. I'm not sure what I want to spend it on yet, the first thousand is going to a Hellcage Butterfly for Vulpangue and if I don't get the drop I want, yes thats you Karura Hachigane, I'll probably get another one.


Thanks for reading, and I'll post pictures once I get home ;)
I'm at school in my study hall now!
1.5 more days left tile summer vacation!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Okay, I'm going to start with the fact that my laptop is really pissing me off. Now, I can still play FFXI on the PS3, but I use my laptop to mainly search quests, items, and talk on Skype. The problem started a few months ago actually, at random times my laptop would just shut down. Back then it wasn't too bad but this month its been horrible.

On Saturday after the concert, I came home and Letira told me that Aylah got 75PUP. {Carbuncle}ations Aylah, especially on being able to wear your sexy Pantin Taj and Tobe. Let then went on about asking if I wanted to get on FFXI and do some FoV in the Valley of Sorrows. I had the house to myself so I logged on, switched to Summoner and met them in Terrigan.

Everything was going fine for a while, but soon I started disconnecting from the game. I'm guessing this was from having te PS3 in my room, which is downstairs. This hasn't happened before though, so I moved the PS3 upstairs into the computer room. Just then, my laptop just kept shutting down. Three times in a row it did, after two books I decided to call it a night.

The next day I was tempted to do something I never thought I'd do, which is level my White Mage past 37. The reason I did so was pretty much because everybody in my LS says that I make an excellent WHM and it'd be a waste not to level it. They needed a main heal so I figured I'd help them out. The party was PUP, WAR, PLD, DRG, SCH, and myself as WHM. I think I like WHM better when I'm partying with friends, especially when they know what they're doing.

We leveled so fucking fast and it was such an enjoyable party despite not being able to communicate on Skype. Thats pretty much how the rest of the night went. I got 40WHM I decided to call it a night and try to get more help with my laptop because the first time I called 'customer service' I really didn't get that much help. Ixi tried his hardest to help me out, but it wasn't any use, my laptop is done for.

On Monday, I started off going to help Oric get his buffer back from Nyzul on Saturday. Also, {Carbuncle}ations on getting your Main Gauche, now only 14k WS Points to go. Aylah got a party and got 71THF and Oric went to go swimming after we got a buffer. Thats when I saw somebody shout for Nyzul Isle Floor 1-5. Now, my only 75 jobs are BLM and SMN and those aren't necessarily considered 'good jobs' for Nyzul but I asked. I got in, and decided to go SMN/SCH. Lets just say, it was awesome. I thought SMN is very nice in Nyzul and the SAM sent me a /tell saying that I did a great job that day. We completed floor 1-5 on our second try so I'm glad about that :D

Okay, I think thats all for now, and I apologize if this post seems messy. I'm in my powerpoint class typing this. Hopefully I'll have my laptop fixed by Saturday and CoP Static.

Friday, May 22, 2009

So much relic, so little of us

So, tonight was CarpeNoctem's Dynamis - Buburimu run and just about all of us needed either a piece of relic armor from the zone or an accessory piece. Lets just say there was a lot of tension. Those of you that are familar with the Dreamworld Dynamis areas, there is only thirty-six spots available, eighteen for Tavnazia. Well, since its accessory pieces that drop there and its limited more people tend to show up earlier than they normally would. Well, there were fourty-three out of the possible thirty-six allowed in Dynamis - Buburimu. Some words were said and well, only one of us made it in tonight and that was Aylah. We talk over Skype and she noted that these were the first drops, they dropped together:

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Oric needed his Argute Loafers to be 5/5 on Scholar Relic, and the gauntlets were really the only piece of PLD Relic Letira was worried about ;-;

These dropped soon after for Oric's DNC:
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All three of them wen t free lot as well.

On the plus side, {Carbuncle}ations to Aylah on her: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
and the Dynamis - Buburimu win :)

About time, Anidrall!

So after many months of procrastinating, I've finally started my Final Fantasy XI blog. Please be aware, it may get a bit boring but I'll try to keep it as interesting as possible.

At first, I was never really interested in FFXI. When I first read about it, I was a bit upset it wasn't available to play offline, since I didn't start online gaming until around late 2006 early 2007. I decided to give it a try, my first time with the game was around when Treasures of Aht Urhgan was released. I bought the Vana'Diel Collection for the PC and was eager to play. Sadly, my old PC was full of fail. It wouldn't even install the game. So, I tossed it aside.

Quite a few years passed and I was into online gaming. I played a bit of Guild Wars and I considered myself a veteran on the Resident Evil Outbreak server. Capcom decided to pull to pull the plug on the servers and I needed a new online game. That led me to try FFXI again, since I heard the PS2 version was compatible with the PS3.

I started playing FFXI December 25th, 2007. Having started on Christmas makes it much easier to remember when I actually started the game. I created my character as Hume 1A, mainly because I feel it resembles my real life appearance more since I have longer hair. I chose the blonde hair over the brown hair simply because I thought it looked much better. Now, the naming process was what seemed to take the longest because I wanted to try and keep it similar to my screenname on Outbreak, which was Anni. I tried most of the combinations before I had to rely on help from one of my friends. He suggested something to make it sound more fantasy-like. How we put the -drall on Anidrall is beyond me but I went with it and liked it. That same friend who helped me choose my name later joined two days later. His name is Oric :)

Anidrall started out in Bastok Mines on the Shiva server as a Thief with a rather bad sense of map skills. I'm still not very good with reading maps but you'll be hearing more about that with future blog posts. My best friend Oric joined the game, and we pretty much do everything together. After my best friend Oric joined the game, we decided to level his Warrior and my Thief together, they got to 32 and we started to unlock our advanced sub jobs. Oric fell in love with Dancer and he insisted I wait til he gets his Dancer up to the same level as my THF. Thats when I started leveling Black Mage, that ended up being my first job to 75 after a failed attempt with a static which included some of my dearest friends I met in the game.

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Now, onto linkshells, I don't have much luck with them. The Ravenous LS was started by one of the few people who helped me a lot in his game, Griffith who just recently quit the game last month. He gave me a tour of Valkurm Dunes and helped me get my sub job items. The best thing that ever happened to me through Ravenous was meeting Aylah, the fabulous Thief and Puppetmaster with a big booty ;)

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Next up, we have Letira. Oric and I met him when we were stuck on one of the Bastok nation quests for Wings of the Goddess. He is one of the only Paladins I trust that I can nuke harder with. Honestly, I'm not sure how many nicknames I have for him: Fab Cat, Attack Cat, Charming Cat, and Tactical Cat. Due to the fact he can't make up his mind towards what job he wants to level! He's pretty much out know-it-all towards Nyzul Isle Investigation which we will do more of once Ixi gets his DRK to 75 :)

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Next up is Ixidor, the Black Mage and RDM with much better enfeebling skill than I do. We first met when Darkfailzel apologized to me for inviting another BLM to his linkshell. We became very good friends, manaburning together and he tanks for my Ninja because we know how well of a Ninja tank I am :) He is also going to be one of our major DDs when we partake in Nyzul, now we just need to get your Dark Knight to 75 and we'll be good to go.

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These people, plus Seraphe the Monk are the great people I spend the most of my time in FFXI with. I'm in a static with them where we're progressing through the Chains of Promathia missions and more with :)
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I'll close out with thanking you guys for reading my blog and hopefully you guys enjoy it :)
Oh, for more FFXI pictures, I have over 400, visit my MySpace: