Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prince Anidrall til Vana'dielos XVIX

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(The text in the box says, "Shit, I thought I logged out in Windurst?!" Blogspot keeps downgrading my pictures so I need to find a way to fix it")

Oric <<<> That's the nineteenth isn't it?
Oric >> XIX XD
Oric <<> Well, just put that, its what I meant :P

I don't know what my problem was but I couldn't get any sleep at all last night so I probably won't go to Dynamis tonight. That and my buffer on Black Mage isn't good. Tonight was supposed to be that linkshell's ZNM night and for the past two weeks nobody arrived.
In all honesty, I'm getting a bit fed up of the linkshell even though it just started. I decided to take it easy and refrain from partying today, and instead play some Parasite Eve. My cousin let me borrow it since I've had an urge to replay it for a while. I finished the museum level and I am now fighting Eve's final form. Thats when I logged on for ZNM only to hear bitching and complaining and how they'd rather go up to Sky today. Honestly, I don't think I'm going to get my Karura Hachigane anytime soon. I ended up logging and going back to replaying FFIX which is the inspiration for the picture at the top. Tomorrow, Oric and I are hoping to get White Mage and Puppetmaster to 60 then after we'll probably try and find some help for his PUP AF3. Damn you, Valkeng >:(

1 comment:

  1. In response to the LS thing, perhaps its time for a skype meeting to discuss the...well....the linkshell itself XD
