Monday, November 9, 2009


Ever since Seraphe stepped out as our sixth member of our Chains of Promathia static we switched our times and gathered on Saturday and Sunday. I'm honestly thinking that there is somebody out there who doesn't want us to finish CoP.

On Saturday, we realized that Ixidor wasn't able to log into PlayOnline, let alone FFXI so until he got everything settled out we figured we'd just go ahead and farm Sea for a bit. A few mobs later and I was able to finish geting my Korin Obi made :)

Saturday's Limbus run went just as well and Aylah even got one of the items to upgrade her AF so thats good.

Sunday a few of the members in KurokajiSyndicate had pops for Sarameya, my first actual large ZNM and zerg attempt. They went down with little trouble All was good, I'm still pissed my dad took my PS3. This is a worthless post and I'm waiting for step two of the update to download to my PC. Which is, yeah, just like the blog title says is remaining =/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sunday night our usual group got together to do a few Royale Ramble runs and I must say that we've pretty much perfected it. Our group tonight was Meph as PLD, Bennei as WHM, Oric as PUP, Sheeshmaru as SAM, a Mithra from the LS as MNK, and me as SMN. All in all, the runs went incredibly well except during my run. We had one wipe but it was nothing that we couldn't recover from. We ended up winning and I had Oric hold some of the items in the treasure chest for me but then the unimaginable happened. Items dropped fast and filled up my inventory and I ended up losing my O. Ingot. I'm just lucky that I'm not piss ass broke or workin' on Marduk's Tiara or something along those lines. I still made 30k from doing runs and other items that dropped to me. Better than nothing, right.

I was hoping that Monday would end up better and in a way but not much better. It was TraumaCenter/KurokajiSyndicate's first Dynamis-Beaucedine run in a while and I was @1 for the Cleric's Briault which is, really, the only piece of WHM that I really WANTED aside from the Cleric's Pantaloons. The run went absolutely fabulous with Oric finally getting his Pantin Tobe and Bennei getting her Duelist's Tabard. It was on one of our last few fulls when I see that the Cleric's Briault dropped. I honestly, jumped and was so ecstatic. Oric, along with Bennei and Lavera all sent me /tells saying to "Go, go, go lot! Ani lot!" Its common rule for Astrael to announce who can lot first so I waited then she only said Lchan, the other Mithra who was @1 for WHM. I thought there was a mix up and that she missed what I wanted. So I asked and just then she broke the news that, "I'm sorry, Ani ;-; but Lchan has more points" I was devastated because I completely forgot we only had points for the Northland areas and I'm pretty sure if I was able to lot I would've outlotted her. None the less, {Carbuncle}ations to Lchan. Hopefully it will drop next time.

Enough bitching for one night. Its time for mine and Oric's first ever Limbus run ;)

P.S. Best quote ever while we were on the discussion of Oric taking my gil BUT he paid me back for the Condenser and half of the Azoth

"I'm like the drug addicted, alcoholic cousin that needs money all the time in our FFXI relationship. And he's the rich uncle."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Makin' Progress

Its been quite a while since I've last blogged. Its a pity though, since I've been doing a lot and have accomplished a lot in game.

I may as well start off with my and Oric's Puppetmaster and White Mage static. Although we partied most of our other jobs together, Oric and I managed to hit 75 in the same party. In all honesty, I'm quite shocked that I still leveled WHM past 37 since when I first started leveling Black Mage I subbed Summoner taking on the I don't want to main heal aspect and vice versa with Summoner. One weekend though, I managed to fly through WHM. Getting it to thirty so I wouldn't be gimp anymore. and then eventually 37. Then early last year my friends persuaded me into trying out WHM past 37 and I'm glad that I did because I really enjoy the job and I think I'm a good WHM. I know Lavera likes it when I'm the main WHM in Dynamis. Oric and I have been doing a lot on WHM and PUP as well, mainly some FoV and we've been working on our Mythic WS. We're only on Floor 5 but we're making progress since we can each close a light skillchain. Now only if Dynamis - Beaucedine would be nice to us and spare a Pantin Tobe and a Cleric's Briault. Anyways, on to missions!

If any of you guys have been following my blog you'll know that I'm in a Chains of Promathia static with five other of my friends. We were put on a hiatus after Letira's was out of a job. Well, he made it back to the game around the middle of September and we resumed with Three Paths. Sadly though, our kick ass MNK Seraphe lost interest with the game and we had to end up replacing him. Surprisingly, we managed to get another member who was just as good as Seraphe. A blonde Hume with a beard named Karlik,w ho soloed each of his jobs to 75. Each and every one of the fights for Three Paths went as smooth as I could have ever imagined. The only trouble we had was during the Moblin fight. I ended up putting up every other important buff aside from barfira but luckily I used Benediction and Let managed to get hate back from me.

Then, we all know what comes after Three Paths, hands down one of the most talked about missions in the game. Chains of Promathia mission 6-4, One to Be Feared, or simply known as the airship fight. I think I can speak for everybody in the static that we were all terrified of what was soon to come we came into that batle as prepared as we could ever fucking be. Our first fight went smooth, a little rough on time but we had no problems with the Mammets but Omega turned out to be the biggest problem of the entire fight. Near the end he starts to get nasty as hell. On our first try we managed to get Ultima down to 2% and then we wiped/ran out of time. We went three more times, switching up our party set up each time. On our fourth try, we were ready for business. We had Ixidor as Paladin, Letira and Karlik as Warrior, Aylah as Corsaid, Oric as Bard, and me as White Mage. We defeated the Mammets with barely any difficulty at all, Omega was still being a prick to us when he was at 1% when he went crazy and we ended up wiping. No worries, got back up and with a quick WS and a Holy he was down. Finally, it was the final mob, Ultima. This was the most smooth the battle ever went for us and we ended up winning. A fight that I thought I may never get to experience, we won. The cheers heard over Skype and the messages that filled up our party chat were hilarious. We fuckin' earned it! With that we only needed two more major missions and we'd have access to Sea and be able to do Limbus with our LS.

Then, once again, we were hit with bad news. Letira wasn't going to be able to play for a good bit of time and with that we came to an agreement that we could go ahead and move on with out him. Its sad to say, but being this close to the conclusion of CoP we needed to continue especially since we waited months for him to come back when he first lost his job. Everything is okay though, he was with us ever since our first Promy - Mea and when and if he comes back we'll be there to help him. Since yesterday we were stuck with 5/6 people for the NMs and TenzenI went ahead and asked the LS if anybody was available to help and sure enough, Astrael, our LS leader and probably one of the best geared Dark Knights on Shiva helped us and soon enough, by 2PM EST Karlik, Ixidor, Aylah, Oric, and I had access to Al'Taieu or as most FFXI Players refer to it as, Sea.

We accomplished so much ever since we started playing Final Fantasy XI and its nice to have done so. After leaving Sea, Oric and I joined some of our LS members for a Colibri party where Oric got 66BRD and I got three merit points. Speaking of, I finally maxed out my Summoning Magic merits at 8/8. With my Summoning Magic set I get 297 MP back from Elemental Siphon during single weather / Vana'Diel day. Hopefully I'll be upgrading my gear with the ability to partake in Salvage now and will get getting 300+ MP back.

In closing, I'd like to say {Carbuncle}ations to Oric for us somehow managing to get him a Hyorin Obi not even twenty-four hours after getting access to Sea. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time there. Later ;)